Alex Henry Foster’s interview with Cult MTL

“That moment was liberating and I think I’ve been emancipated from so many fears and insecurities.

That night was the first time in my whole career where I was actually at peace, and from that little moment, after that I was able to envision doing different things. For me, it was like a new beginning because I was able to face those demons. I could say, ‘Yes I’m confused, yes I’m broken, but am I too damaged to be repaired or feel whole again?’ That concert was like going back to the surface in a way. The person that I was came back.” – Alex Henry Foster

Here are a few excerpts of the interview Alex Henry Foster had with Lorraine Carpenter from Cult MTL regarding his concert at the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal and the personal journey that brought him to where he is today.

Read the interview