China Tour Cancelled

We are greatly saddened to announce that Your Favorite Enemies’ “The Carp Leaping Over The Dragon Gate” China Tour had to be cancelled due to unfortunate circumstances that were out of the band members’ control. Major irregularities and important schedule alterations led the band members to take the highly heartbreaking decision of cancelling the whole … Continuer la lecture

Between Illness And Migration – Now Available

We are proud and honored to announce you that Your Favorite Enemies’ new album, “Between Illness And Migration” is now available in Japan. Released via King Records, the album can be found in all music store across the country. The Japanese version of the album contains a bonus track and has a booklet that has … Continuer la lecture

Your Favorite Enemies, Partners with King Records


Your Favorite Enemies and all the YFE team members are very proud and deeply honored to announce that Hopeful Tragedy Records, Your Favorite Enemies’ record label, is now officially partnering with legendary Japanese label King Records, one of the largest independent Japanese owned record company and one of the most highly respected labels in Japan.

King Records dedicated and passionate team members will support and look after every aspect of Your Favorite Enemies album releases in Japan, whose next record is due to be out in March of 2013.

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New Australian Label, Rescheduled Tour

Your Favorite Enemies and all YFE team members are proud to announce that Hopeful Tragedy Records (Your Favorite Enemies’ record label) is opening a new branch in Australia, from which their next album will be released in Spring 2013. They are also proud to announce their now rescheduled Australian tour.

“Life is truly filled with unexpected blessings. We were so excited to meet our beloved Australian family members for what was scheduled to be our first Australian tour – the band was supposed to embark on a 3 week tour in late September, early October, which they decided to reschedule for Spring 2013. We had the incredible opportunity to open a local Australian branch of our record label (the band owns the independent Hopeful Tragedy Records label) in order to support the release of our upcoming rock album, set for Spring 2013. And from the actualization of that incredible opportunity, everything moved pretty fast right after…” says Jeff Beaulieu, in charge of all the multiple Your Favorite Enemies’ business aspects, about their new Australian venture.

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