Your Favorite Enemies and all the YFE team members are very proud and deeply honored to announce that Hopeful Tragedy Records, Your Favorite Enemies’ record label, is now officially partnering with legendary Japanese label King Records, one of the largest independent Japanese owned record company and one of the most highly respected labels in Japan.
King Records dedicated and passionate team members will support and look after every aspect of Your Favorite Enemies album releases in Japan, whose next record is due to be out in March of 2013.
“It truly is an ecstatic moment for me and quite defining news for every one of us to announce that Your Favorite Enemies and King Records formed a very unique communion today. I cannot help but remember the first time I had the great privilege of sharing the blogs I was specifically writing for our Japanese family members, recall the crafting of the very first Japanese home that we shared with them online, and most of all, remember the promise I made to my Japanese brothers, sisters, friends, fans and supporters that we would find a special home for the band in Japan, a place where people would not only understand our unique relationship with our Japanese family members, but who would be thrilled to be a part of Your Favorite Enemies’ special journey in Japan; a true Japanese home. That was in 2007. It’s been quite an incredible journey; we did make a few turns and quite many u-turns in the last five years, but we always kept our hearts alined with that promise. And this is why today is nothing but a wonderful celebration of a fulfilling and passionate love story”, says Alex Foster, commenting on the new partnership between Your Favorite Enemies and King Records.

“it’s one of those days when you can let go and embrace the celebration of a long awaited promise to be blissfully revealed to everyone you love and consume it with your loved ones, and it couldn’t be done in a more wonderful season of our lives and with more fabulous people than with King Records’ team members. It’s really a partnership based on mutual love, rather than a strictly business oriented type of decision. Over the years, we always kept ourselves away from any possible type of celebrity kind of record deal. We never felt pushed or compelled to rush any commitment for the sake of any ambitions leading to stardom. We always established relationships naturally and instinctively. So when we met with King Records’ representatives, not only did we feel respect, understanding and openness, but we really sensed we were sharing a profound love for Japanese people, an unswerving old school passion for music and an enthusiastic commitment to establish our common ground based on community values. We shared ideas and had honest conversations, and having the conviction that King Records was a home for us in Japan, we flew to Tokyo to make it official. It was important for us to do so, not only as a way to respect our new partnership, but as a way to honor the people with whom we are now communing with.”
Insisting on to the importance of honoring the different Japanese executives who supported them over the years and about the importance for them to join a Japanese company, Foster added:
“We’ve met amazing people over the years and had been offered great opportunities as well. Many people wanted to work with us and offered to support Your Favorite Enemies in Japan. We always had the privilege to meet inspiring people. It would be unfair not to mention that fact, especially that all of them are still very close friends and are really amazing fans of the band, reason why they were so happy to know we were partnering with King Records and that we were establishing ourselves in a true Japanese home, not with some international company managing their Japanese branches as some business colonies condemned to do foreign executive decisions, focussing only on business regardless of the people they are supposedly serving locally. That was an essential factor for us, to establish our home with an independent company serving their people with a community attitude. Yes, it’s a business, I would be naive to think otherwise, but when a business is constituted of “true passionate people” rather than “corporate strangers”, you know you will be able to respect your people by respecting yourself. That’s why every other label president who offered us partnerships over the years were so happy and deeply respected us, even if we decided to join another family. At the end of the day, everybody knows it’s all about the “fans”, not about dollar figures. That’s the biggest difference between business and partnership for us; the respect of those who are believing in you and the honor of friends who always looked after you. These are also the reasons why it’s a gathering celebration.”
And now that they have found a Japanese home and have the conviction to be able to share their personal and artistic vision based on their community values, both Foster and Beaulieu concluded by stating how eagerly joyful they are with all the new opportunities they will now have to visit Japan more often, to play all over the country and to commune with their Japanese brothers, sisters, friends, fans, supporters and loved ones on new types of vibrations.
“It’s good to fully embrace that stream of life”, says Foster, smiling, right after Beaulieu looked at him in one of their unique accomplice looks, saying “It’s time for us to enjoy the blessings we so long kept ourselves strangers to, knowing it’s all about sharing. It’s time to harvest with joy, as we might have spent too much time seeding with tears.”
Therefore, Your Favorite Enemies’ Japanese fans now have a whole lot to be cheerful about, since a new album from the band is set to be released with King Records in March of 2013, which will be followed by a Japanese tour and undoubtedly accompanied by many other yet to be revealed surprises as well. Stay tuned and keep in touch as many other news and details will be announced soon.
– Hopeful Tragedy Records

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